Wednesday, December 28, 2011

A friendly warning against SOPA, or H.R.3261

If you don't know what SOPA is, you should. SOPA, or the "Stop Online Piracy Act", is a corporately-funded law that could be passed unless you act, now.

The title of H.R.3261 is very deceiving - While yes, it would defend certain companies against piracy of their product - The most profound effect of the bill would be your internet, censored. Many major companies such as (just a quick list): GoDaddy, Nintendo, Motion Picture Association of America (big surprise), Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, Xerox, Walmart, Dow, Walt Disney, CBS, NBA, NFL, Adidas, Bose, Burberry, and Philip Morris. There are many more. These companies are paying your senators & representatives lots of money to pass this law. American politics at it's typical day-to-day business.
(List of companies that support and reject SOPA)

The internet is one of the last great free tools we have to interact, learn, teach, preach, defile, or even become famous by showing off your talents. Ever heard of the 'Great Firewall of China'? Well, imagine you are a Chinese citizen, and you search for 'Tiananmen Square'. Instead of getting the powerful, striking image of the anonymous man in front of the tank, you get 'random' image of pots & pans, and families sitting down for dinner. Imagine that.

Imagine not getting what you searched for - But getting what someone, or your government, showing you what they want you to see when you search for something. Imagine me. Imagine this: I control what you see when you search. If you are pro-choice & I disagree, I would serve you propaganda search results based on what I think is prudent, correct, or 'right'.

Imagine a world where SOPA, combined with NDAA, you could be jailed in a military detention center indefinitely, just because you posted a comment that someone disagreed with. No trial, no judge, no peers. Imagine being stuck in high school forever, and the bully was too big for anyone to face, unless every student agreed to pile on that bully. It's a scary possibility.

This needs to stop - Keep the internet free.

The internet is ours.

Information is freedom.

He who controls the information controls the mindset of a generation - Discourse creates ideas, opens minds, and is the standard of freedom - The US may become one of the least free countries in the world, only under the guise of 'stopping piracy'.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Hurricane Bawbag causes wind turbine to explode (Scotland)

US forces withdrawing from Iraq into Kuwait - Dec. 7th, 2011

Adolph Hitler moves to North Dakota

Hot girls in bikinis sliding downhill (possibly NSFW)

Unbelievable Paper Airplane at Baseball game from 3rd to last row

Mythbusters news conference 12-7-11 about the cannonball incident

Alec Baldwin's Tracy Morgan Impersonation 12/05/11

No title needed

Australian Open - reaction from Andy Murray's local


Monday, December 5, 2011