Friday, June 22, 2012

Saddest eBay auction ever. Beyblades (click)

Megaupload founder Kim Dotcom concedes defeat, posts evidence of racketeering, money laundering and CD burning to twitter

Racism & Working Out: An Effective Solution

Really good (and scary) story about an Internet Giveaway

Best New BMX tricks, flips, jumps 3 (Summer 2012)

DC10 Airplane does low pass

How a BMW M5 becomes a bullet

"If I could do something, I definitely would."

Lego Wall

The Aspen Forest

Thursday, June 21, 2012

The Apple iPhone 5 30-Pin to 19-Pin Scheme

Do you happen to own an iPhone? Looking forward to getting the next generation? Well as nice as it's probably going to be, you might as well throw away every single accessory you've ever bought for your previous phones. Every single accessory created for the phone since its launch in 2007 is headed towards redundancy with the latest announcement, which states that all future iPhones will arbitrarily ditch the standard 30 pin charger cable for a smaller 19 pin cable. People were stunned by this announcement, myself included. I mean, why fix something that's not broken?

Have you guys ever heard of 'planned obsolescence?' Its a practice which encourages planning and designing a product so it's only useful for a limited time, before becoming obsolete. Its common practice, and used by many companies to create demand for the 'newer, better' model of the product. Yet this move was probably prompted by the major accessory makers facing dwindling sales, as customers saw no need to buy new accessories for a smartphone that had a universal dock system for 6 generations. What most tech blogs failed to address was the following question: Did the top accessory makers pad Apple's pockets or hardball negotiate for an incentive to drop the standard cable as a means of forcing consumers to buy new accessories? We're inclined to think so.

Considering that three of the top accessory makers have been the first to confirm that they're working on 19 pin accessories already for the launch of the iPhone 5, the motive is simple : Greed. And why not? It's a fail safe business plan, designed to shake out the smaller accessory makers with tons of unsold '30 pin' stock and a good amount of people will probably conform to this odd decision without question. As for myself, after four years and owning 3 generations of iPhones I don't think I can support such practices anymore. As much as I'd love buying a slew of artificially overpriced accessories again, I'd rather start looking for an Android phone.

I think their decision to not use future plug (that will be required by all phones/smartphones) was a poor decision. I won't be buying the 5 since I will probably be due for a new one.

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Daughter's new hobby: coloring in Dads tattoos