Friday, February 17, 2012

Choir Singer with DEEP voice, David McIntosh - "Sixteen Tons" by The Yale Spizzwinks

Listen to this! Crazy good voice. David McIntosh has a voice the Internet hasnt heard the likes of since the days of Chocolate Rain.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Nancy Grace is an attention whore. Lets get this straight.

She brings up wildly speculative things for every single news story, and tries to make it swallow-able to any gullible person.

-She is not an expert
-She has been questioned time and time again by other commentators and LEGAL BOARDS. From her own Wikipedia page (if this doesn't convince you this woman is nuts, I don't know what will - BASICALLY, she unfairly compared MURDER & RAPE cases in a drug trafficking case, and also let a possible killer go free because she was wasting the courts time):

Prosecutorial misconduct

The Supreme Court of Georgia has twice commented on Grace's conduct as a prosecutor. First, in a 1994 heroin drug trafficking case, Bell v. State, the Court declared a mistrial, saying that Grace had "exceeded the wide latitude of closing argument" by drawing comparisons to unrelated murder and rape cases.

In 1997, the court was more severe, overturning the murder-arson conviction of businessman W. W. Carr in the death of his wife. While the court said its reversal was not due to these transgressions, since the case had turned primarily on circumstantial evidence, it nevertheless concluded "the conduct of the prosecuting attorney in this case demonstrated her disregard of the notions of due process and fairness, and was inexcusable. Carr was freed in 2004 when The Georgia Supreme Court ruled unanimously that Fulton County had waited too long to retry him, thereby unfairly prejudicing his right to a fair trial.

Despite upholding the conviction she sought, a panel of the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals wrote in a 2005 opinion that Grace "played fast and loose" with her ethical duties and failed to "fulfill her responsibilities" as a prosecutor in the 1990 triple murder trial of Herbert Connell Stephens. The court agreed that it was "difficult to conclude that Grace did not knowingly use ... [apparently false] testimony" from a detective that there were no other suspects, despite the existence of outstanding arrest warrants for other men.

Whitney Houston's Funeral: Stars Expected to Attend, Speak

Though Whitney Houston's funeral will be a private, invite-only affair, it will reportedly feature some of the biggest celebrities the late pop icon worked with, including Kevin Costner.

Costner, Houston's "Bodyguard" co-star, will speak at the service held at Newark, N.J.'s New Hope Baptist Church starting at noon on Saturday, People magazine reported Thursday. Representatives for Houston and Costner did not respond to's requests for comment.

Aretha Franklin and Stevie Wonder will sing at the service, and Houston's record producer from the start of her career, Clive Davis, will also speak.

Houston's ex-husband, Bobby Brown, has denied reports that he was being barred from the services by Houston's family but has yet to confirm that he will be there.

He has been by the side of his daughter with Houston, Bobbi Kristina, since Sunday. She was hospitalized for stress and anxiety after Houston's Saturday death.

"My daughter Bobbi Kristina is doing much better," Brown said in an email statement to Tuesday. "We continue to provide love and support to Bobbi Kristina. She is dealing with the tragedy of her mother's death and would prefer to do it outside of the public eye. I ask again that our privacy be respected."

Abortion saved this life.

More on the story, here.

Abortion is a touchy subject. I do, however, believe that if a life is at risk, it is a necessary must. When conjoined twins are born & one of the twins is parasitic of the other twin, it is removed without everyone throwing their arms up in the air.

In this case, the baby was parasitic & had to be removed so that the mother could live. It's unfortunate, but on the other hand, rape is another concern. I feel that anyone that believes a rape abortion to be a 'bad' thing isn't understanding that it could happen to them. Rape isn't a problem just for dilapidated areas, it happens everywhere. What is your daughter/sister/mother was given a roofee (rohypnol, the date rape drug) and became pregnant? Think about it.

Battlefield 3 BF3 - Birgirpall - OPERATION:SCUMBAG

Battlefield 3 BF3 - Birgirpall - OPERATION:DOUCHEBAG

Battlefield 3 BF3 - Birgirpall - OPERATION:ASSHAT

Battlefield 3 BF3 - Birgirpall - OPERATION:HAMMERTIME

Battlefield 3 BF3 - Birgirpall - OPERATION:AIRPAIN

More BF3 Battlefield 3 Mayhem from Birgirpall - OPERATION: CARS

Friday, February 3, 2012

Congressman John Fleming doesn't know what satire is, nor

Fun with .GIFs

Anonymous Leaks Marine Corps Massacre Case

The bombs keep dropping from Anonymous—first local cops, then the FBI, and now the Marine Corps: sensitive documents from 2005's Haditha Killings trial. Anon doesn't think the Marine in charge should have gotten off so lightly. This is their payback.

Seven years ago, (then Sergeant) Frank Wuterich and several other marines he commanded killed 24 Iraqi citizens in Haditha, Iraq, in an apparent act of revenge for an unrelated IED strike. Despite admitting to the killings, Wuterich just last week officially got off with only a charge of "negligent dereliction of duty." No jail time, no serious conviction whatsoever.

Now the law firm that defended Wuterich, Puckett and Faraj has been hit with Anonymous long internet arm of "justice." Their site has been hijacked, and a giant 3 GB trove of personal information pertaining to the case (and other matters) busted wide open by Anon.

More of the story here