Friday, February 3, 2012

Anonymous Leaks Marine Corps Massacre Case

The bombs keep dropping from Anonymous—first local cops, then the FBI, and now the Marine Corps: sensitive documents from 2005's Haditha Killings trial. Anon doesn't think the Marine in charge should have gotten off so lightly. This is their payback.

Seven years ago, (then Sergeant) Frank Wuterich and several other marines he commanded killed 24 Iraqi citizens in Haditha, Iraq, in an apparent act of revenge for an unrelated IED strike. Despite admitting to the killings, Wuterich just last week officially got off with only a charge of "negligent dereliction of duty." No jail time, no serious conviction whatsoever.

Now the law firm that defended Wuterich, Puckett and Faraj has been hit with Anonymous long internet arm of "justice." Their site has been hijacked, and a giant 3 GB trove of personal information pertaining to the case (and other matters) busted wide open by Anon.

More of the story here

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