Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Facebook and/or Zynga is not a fundamental way of living: Why their stock prices are falling

These companies do not stand as a fundamental resource as our day-to-day lives. They never will. They never should have been allowed to be traded publicly. It's all a fad. Facebook is inevitably MySpace: We're not interested enough. We want news, Real news.

Nobody gives a shit if you had a baby or how far along you are (even though you are getting 'likes'....these people just want 'likes' when they are having a kid)  - you're not important.  Doesn't anyone get this yet?

They are not typical public resources such as wikipedia or Google. They are not free, they only rely on your resources, especially Zynga. You should boycott every Zynga game (this includes Words with friends)....sorry. They stole the game from scrabble.

They've stolen games from hundreds of other game manufacturers as well.  Look into the evil company (in my opinion). They are evil (in my opinion). 

Reds Fan Catches Back-to-Back Home Run Balls

Friday, May 18, 2012

Jackie Chan announces he is to retire from action movies (frown)

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/film/cannes-film-festival/9274513/Cannes-2012-Jackie-Chan-to-retire-from-action-movies.html The 58-year-old actor said he felt “really, really tired” after decades of pushing his body to the limit. Speaking in Cannes, Chan said that his latest Hollywood outing, Chinese Zodiac, would be the last time audiences see him in a leading action role. “This is my last action film,” he said. “I tell you, I’m not young any more. I’m really, really tired". “And the world is too violent right now. It’s a dilemma - I like action but I don’t like violence.” Chan has been talking of retirement for the past couple of years but said today that this time he really means it.